Chinese Cabbage and Brassica vegetable thai in fresh market

To cleanse or not to cleanse? Will fasting help the body metabolize body fat more efficiently? The debate continues as we continue to learn more through scientific studies.

Medicinal and spiritual components of fasting and internal cleansing have been used for centuries. None of these ancient practices need be confused with today’s “quick fix”, fad commercial diet plans.

When safely applied, numerous variations of fasting and cleanses will produce outstanding results. A proper cleanse will prepare the body for greater nutrient efficiency, which in turn will drastically increase energy levels and assist in mood stabilization. Marked weight loss and appetite satiation is simply a positive byproduct of properly applied said practices.

Whether one follows an INTERMITTENT CALORIC RESTRICTION DIET (also known as the 5:2 Diet, which consists of five (5) days of normal eating followed by two (2) days of restricted caloric count), or a diet plan known as INTERMITTENT FASTING (which recommends alternating days of eating a higher caloric count with days of restricted calories in the range of 500-700), I can personally attest to the benefit of various forms of yearly cleansing and fasting.  However, professionally, I do not endorse any one particular commercial diet plan.

I’m sold on cleansing.  The question is: how does one wish to introduce these practices and what variation of cleansing and fasting will best fit their physiology. This comes with time and experimentation as one begins to better understand their body.


Disclaimer: No said suggestions of Tribal Training International nor contracted parties are to be held liable. All nutritional and performance based programs are on a voluntary bases. Please consult with your private healthcare provider before implementing any said suggested programs. Safety and practical application forefront in all performance based routines.